For more than 50 years, we
have spent each day seeking new solutions, which make life easier for parents
and promote children's development. In our searches we trust experts in many
disciplines: midwives, doctors, nutritionists and especially you – the mothers
and fathers.
We get the most reliable advice from Mother Nature. As can be
seen from our teats. They are asymmetrically shaped – based on a female nipple
when breastfeeding. NUK teats naturally adapt to the jaw, train the oral
muscles and prevent your baby from swallowing air.
Our whole product range shows that this approach systematically
leads to well thought through solutions. NUK products are based on each other
and are optimally adapted to the various development stages of your child –
from their birth through to kindergarten age. With NUK, you can therefore be
absolutely certain that you are always doing the right thing for your child.
From the outset.